July 31, 2008

Survival at Work..

Now, this topic has been in my head for a very long time.. I have been thinking that how to be in order to survive at workplace?? Please do not get me wrong that I am having a big time in my office.. I am pretty comfortable at where I am now.. It is just that this is something that I notice and realise that its a kind of 'must" thing for a lot of people.. Maybe they don't realise that they are actually doing that but for people who are at the sideline, we can see a lot of things.. Not out of jealousy please ar...

One thing that I notice is that in any work place, there are always ass kissers around.. I don't know whether you agree with me but this is what I have noticed.. When I say any work place, I mean any work place.. This is something that I just don't get the point. Is this something that a person must do in order to climb up the ladder or they will just feel secure if they does that. To me, if you kisses someone's ass in the office (most of the time is the superior people or those people that are influential) just to make sure that your position stays in the office or to make yourself look like you're the boss, then I will ask them to go to hell. These are just a bunch of useless ass as I can say that they are those type of person that is without any knowledge and experience person that needed this to be able to work their way up.. And worst still, most of the time they get to climb the ladder and we don't get it at all.. Cilakak.. I do also agree that some bosses likes their ass being kissed..

This makes me think on what happen to those people who are really hardworking and smart and know everything in and out of their job BUT yet can't move up the ladder.. Is it just because that person did not kiss the ass?? What a world nowadays have turn into...

If ass kissing is really that important, then I rest my case...

p/s: I tell you one thing hor, ass kisser will never survive long in the company one.. Why?? Because once the ass left the company then he got no more ass to kiss...


Despite with all the happenings in the country, i think there's not much of interesting to write about them for now eventhough just before I log in here, I read that the's actually no investigation being done on his ass.. So lets see how the episode continues..

These few days I think I'm quite frustrated.. With who and why?? I'm actually frustrated with my doggy.. The Golden Retriever which I named her Shasta.. She was a gift from my wife.. Well, I love her a lot to be honest but its just there are something that I cannot seem to understand and resolve.. Not eating, eating my the other dog's poo, always want attention (ok this one's fair coz every doggy is like that) and worse still, she's getting skinnier and skinnier day by day.. Why?? Not eating lor.. Sigh..

I'm just here to let go some steam only..

July 22, 2008



As you all are aware, all the headline news for the past week have been taking on the issue of obtaining DNA sample from Mr. A and also some bloggers also have been talking about this matter.

What is DNA??
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the geneticdevelopment and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints or a recipe, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information instructions.

Based on the research, DNA is a unique thing and is a blueprint of a living organism including human and each and everyone of it has a different sets of DNA. This is something that you and me can't change except for GOD.. So, with what is happening here in Malaysia on acquiring new DNA samples, its something that doesn't make sense with the reason given like "We need new DNA sample" or " if you're not guilty, please give in your DNA"...

I am no fan of politics and neither I'm taking sides.. I'm speaking in a logic way and please do not think I'm a forensic expert.. But what I do know is that if you already have a DNA profile of a person in the database, why the hell you need another one for?? DNA is something that can't be change!! So by making all these issues, does this make you all look stupid?? I bet even other countries forensics team and scientist will be laughing their ass off from all these statements..

So people.. Do wake up and understand your facts before making a fool out of yourself which I think its too late.. They are a fool already...

July 14, 2008

Piss Off!!!

My title today looks a bit odd as I usually do not make such a title for a topic.. But deep inside myself have told me that its time to release the steam as the volcano is about to blow... For the past few days, starting from Thursday last week, there are a few incident that had happened really pisses me off...

1st Piss Off: Snatch Thief

I have been reading a lot of cases of snatch thief in the news.. Some made it by loosing some valuables and some even traded their lives because of this.. As for me, none of the described scenario that happened to me but I gain the experience of this snatch thief event. This event happened just around my office boundaries.. I was at the side of the office building and for your information, my office boundary is not big.. Its rather small.. I was on the phone talking to my friend when a motorcycle came from the opposite direction.. With much of suspicious, I was thinking that they are just contractor as one of the floor in the office building is currently under renovation.. The motorcycle made a U-turn at my back (without me noticing it), came near to my back and tried to snatch away my handphone from my hand.. I was stunted for a while but luckily they did not succeed in getting my handphone.. The pillion rider turned back and looked at me and I just looked at him while his accomplice drive the bike away.. I suspect they are those Mat Rempits..

My guess that they are also the same people whom have snatched a handbag from a lady at a nearby building as my colleague told me that that incident just happened 2 days before my turn.. I was shocked at that time and yet there's anger in me.. I just felt like yelling "Pukimak" at them and see what happened.. If they turn back and came after me, I'll make sure give them a "kau kau" whack...

This event had made me recall a mail that was sent by my wife on the case of those Indian ladies that got mob by those idiotic, inhuman and animal mat rempits in Bangsar.. Come on assholes... Those are ladies and you need a damn whole gang to rob a few innocent ladies?? Those actions of yours are no balls kind of actions... You're thinking that just because you have a whole gang and you're not scared?? If I'm in a situation of being mugged by these useless rubbish, I'll make sure I ramp into all of your asses and declare as an accident.. You assholes deserve to die and a place in hell is waiting for you..

2nd Piss Off: Mad Traffic

I think some of you might have experience today's horrible traffic jam and you might have been late to work.. Being a Monday, the blues is bad enough and yet a good to start the week in a horrible traffic jam.. I'm sure you all know what causes the jam... Its because of our efficient policemen are in actions.. Again..

The traffic jam actually started on Sunday morning when I passed by Federal Highway.. Imagine a perfect Sunday was spoiled because of no reason traffic jam.. What the heck?? If they are setting up roadblocks to hunt down some crazy criminals, that can be understood.. But just because of some gossip that there might be demonstration and they set up roadblocks all round the main roads without any reasons?? And worse still, they are not even looking at those cars that are passing by, ok?? My colleague even saw those efficient policemen at the roadblocks smoking at the side while people like us stuck in that jam.. So why they need to set up roadblocks then?? Just to show that they're doing their job?? Come on... If they are that effective in solving crimes, then good for the country.. After heard what my colleague said about them, all I can do is thumbs up and say to them keep up the good work.. The country is depending on you... So, why roadblocks are set up?? Enlighten me..

3rd Piss Off: Kindergarden Kids

You might be surprised that why this pisses me off.. Please do not get me wrong as I love kids a lot.. What i meant was the recent incident that's happening in the country.. Yes.. All those concentration on you don't like me, I dun like you stuff, stabbing at the back, trying to find other people's wrong doing and etc.. Come on people, grow up!!! There are more things to talk and care about other than trying to be in power and how to take more money from the citizen and put it into their pocket... All i can say is that if what you're doing is right, what are you afraid of?? Why are they so concern about people talking about them??

I would not want to write so much of this stuff here simply because I don't want to get into any trouble as the people here are damn "perasan" and I think they do not deserve a space in my blog..

p/s: So people, think about what the future hold for you... Its up to your own judgement... As for me.. Its already hopeless..

July 07, 2008


Well, I guess you all must have been reading the news that has been hoarding the headlines for the past week.. Yes.. I'm referring to the stick-up-ur-a** case... I actually do not want to say anything about this kind of stuff simply because I couldn't care less about all these.. To me, all these seems like they are acting just like those kids in the kindergarden.. "Teacher, XX buly me!!" or something like "I dun want to friend you coz I dun like you" .. Come on.. Dun the country have other things that you all should be focusing on?? Poverty of the country, inflation, fuel price hike, citizens welfare and etc.. all these issues have been left aside now.. Sigh.. The country is dying for christ sake and they are focusing on Revenge of the Sith episode.. (Double sigh)

Another thing that caught my attention was the headline today (which someone told me coz I dun even want to bother to read newspaper) that the PI that had made the allegation about his findings and within 24 hours he pull back all his facts by saying its untrue.. Hm.. Does that lead to questions in everyone's head? Why would he want to do that? I'll leave the imagination part to you all..

The best part of all, now he went missing... Why would all of the sudden went missing on last Friday?? Somemore the whole family went missing.. This situation is something like running away from Ah Long like that don't you think? I really wonder what is the story behind this...

Is he being treated like this:

Or actually like this:

Or even like this??

You decide...

July 01, 2008

Good or Bad??

I overheard on a radio that interest rate for hire purchase has gone up by 1% for non-local brand cars... I'm not talking about CBU or CKD vehicles.. What they meant was cars like Proton & Perodua, the interest rate to purchase these brand cars is not affected..

So what you think that the gomen is trying to do?? Making ways to increase local production car sales? I was wondering how could they increase the local car sales (if that's their objective) by increasing the interest rate for other brand makes.. Imagine if you choose to buy a Japanese car brand X at 3.5% interest and Proton is at 3.8% - 4.5%.. Does this make a difference? Obviously people will still choose the brand X.. Can save 0.3% leh.. That's a lot of money in long run.. Unless they really increase the rate higher than local make cars then it'll be damn obvious liao..

Ok.. that's on the interest rate part... Another reason why nowadays people opt to buy other makes eventhough the interest rate is high is the quality of the cars.. Come on.. People are not going to jeopardise their safety and maintenance cost just because the car is cheap.. In this quality area, its not so much on Perodua as they really have improved on their quality.. But for Proton.. Hm.. I think i'll leave it up to you all to comment on this.. hehe..

During the radio show this morning, someone called up and give their insight of this matter and there's this one person have said that it is a good sign that everything is increasing as it shows that the country is growing and moving forward.. Without this, the country will be stale.. So what do you think of this? To a certain extent, I found that he must be an idiot!! Or he's a very strong supporter of who-must-not-be-named (if not i'll end up in ISA) I do agree that things will increase price sooner or later in due of shortage of natural resources and that's a fact.. But of course there must be some room to cushion off the effect of increase so there'll be a balance in the effect.. But now what is happening here is that, everything also want to increase.. But the earnings of people is yet the same.. So does this contribute to the inflation rate? If this keeps going on, I guess Malaysia will become the worst 3rd World Country..

So now the interest rate is up.. What else is going to come up?? Can our current wages take this effect? I guess its just a matter of time all of our hard earn money being suck up by all these people who would'nt care less about other people but their own pocket and how to kill you mission..