July 01, 2008

Good or Bad??

I overheard on a radio that interest rate for hire purchase has gone up by 1% for non-local brand cars... I'm not talking about CBU or CKD vehicles.. What they meant was cars like Proton & Perodua, the interest rate to purchase these brand cars is not affected..

So what you think that the gomen is trying to do?? Making ways to increase local production car sales? I was wondering how could they increase the local car sales (if that's their objective) by increasing the interest rate for other brand makes.. Imagine if you choose to buy a Japanese car brand X at 3.5% interest and Proton is at 3.8% - 4.5%.. Does this make a difference? Obviously people will still choose the brand X.. Can save 0.3% leh.. That's a lot of money in long run.. Unless they really increase the rate higher than local make cars then it'll be damn obvious liao..

Ok.. that's on the interest rate part... Another reason why nowadays people opt to buy other makes eventhough the interest rate is high is the quality of the cars.. Come on.. People are not going to jeopardise their safety and maintenance cost just because the car is cheap.. In this quality area, its not so much on Perodua as they really have improved on their quality.. But for Proton.. Hm.. I think i'll leave it up to you all to comment on this.. hehe..

During the radio show this morning, someone called up and give their insight of this matter and there's this one person have said that it is a good sign that everything is increasing as it shows that the country is growing and moving forward.. Without this, the country will be stale.. So what do you think of this? To a certain extent, I found that he must be an idiot!! Or he's a very strong supporter of who-must-not-be-named (if not i'll end up in ISA) I do agree that things will increase price sooner or later in due of shortage of natural resources and that's a fact.. But of course there must be some room to cushion off the effect of increase so there'll be a balance in the effect.. But now what is happening here is that, everything also want to increase.. But the earnings of people is yet the same.. So does this contribute to the inflation rate? If this keeps going on, I guess Malaysia will become the worst 3rd World Country..

So now the interest rate is up.. What else is going to come up?? Can our current wages take this effect? I guess its just a matter of time all of our hard earn money being suck up by all these people who would'nt care less about other people but their own pocket and how to kill you mission..


Seaqueen said...

The guy said it's good for the country cos he's thinking as an economist. It is only good, only if the citizens of Malaysia and I mean all, not 1 race only that benefits in the increase of things, but in the end, the $$ is not channeled back to the citizen. Unlike in S'pore. People always complains that the living standard there is high but look at their infrastructure. For a start, we can't even compare with them, as we're so far behind them.

I will say I wish the govt in Malaysia would stop all these political nonsense but all they're doing is trying to show who's the best political leader. More of like small kindergarten children who fight for a toy. That's understandable as they are still small, but grown men and women, using the press to fight against each other is shameful. Totally outrageous!

Mcmercedez said...

seaqueen: They want to show their power mah.. But they dunno that they are actually making a fool out of themselves.. Like you said, kindergarden pupils..