January 18, 2006

CNY in 1 Utama (Part 1)

Do you remember on my last post that I mentioned something about the lion dance in 1 Utama? Didn't managed to upload it in the last post due to some system screw-up.. I bet is on the internet line or something... It came to my surprise that I actually found a very young talent that can play the equiptment for the dance... I think he is bout 3 to 4 years of age.. Cannot believe?

Didn't I tell you I found him? Bet he will be the next American Idol by playing the symbals... Chiang! Chiang!

Anyway, here are some of the photos of the dance in 1 Utama....

The starting of the dance... Traaaattttt... Tong Chiang.....

Hehe.... Does my butt smell good? Hahaha... Faaaarrrrtttt!!!!

Jumping on the poles.... Hiahhh....

I kinna like this shot myself... Looks like it is allliiiivvveeee......

But during this performance, the Dj at the complex actually mentioned that the troop of the dance will have a trail run on before the show start.. I think he mentioned it bout 2 times so everyone is quite excited to see the actual show.. So what happens was after the whole thing 'so called trial run' is the actual show... What kind of rubbish Dj is that... Very bad communication skill... I give -10 points for that... Somemore pretend its so cool and just announced "That is the end of the performance and at 7pm we have bla bla bla bla...." Get conned already...

(end of part 1)

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