December 22, 2005

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Image hosted by Hey!!! It's Christmas time again... whew! time really flies... another year is coming to an end... I have been going around on shopping complexes to look at the Christmas decorations.. heard that mid valley has the most beautiful Christmas deco... hm.. maybe i should make a trip there..... here is how Ikano Power Centre's Christmas deco... Oh yes... There were people carolling that day at the concourse... Sad.. Didn't manage to get their photos..

This Christmas tree is on every floor and every few feet away...

Here is how to concourse looks like.. With all the angels... Nice..

This is the angel... Close up... but kinna dark..

But just to ask you all.. have you all seen a santa that looks like got a major fright before in his life or should i say like just came out from the freezer where all the ice have not defrost yet?

Well, belive it or not.. Here he is...

Doesn't he looks like what I have just described? Wonder is he
giving out ice cubes to the children instead of candy canes...

But anyway, Christmas is just around the corner and wishing you all Merry Christmas! and be nice...


Merry Christmas Everyone... Ho Ho Ho... Image hosted by

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